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Salem Community Calendar

Confluence: Willamette Valet LGBT chorus is a non-auditioned, mixed chorus based in Salem and open to any who support its mission of affirming the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight allies. The 50 member choir comes together from Portland, Corvallis and Salem and rehearses every Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem, 5090 Center Street NE, 4:00 to 6:30pm. For more information see confluencechorus.org.

First Congregational United Church of Christ holds services each Sunday at 10 AM at 700 Marion Street NE, Salem. The United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation offering worship and church school. Child care provided and wheelchair accessible. For more information call 503-363-3660.

The Imperial Sovereign Court of the Willamette Empire is a non-profit organization that does fund raising for various charities. They have ranged from Muscular Dystrophy, Meals on Wheels, LifeLine AIDS project, the Audria M. Edwards Scholarship fund, and more. The court this year has chosen three charities, Women's Crisis Center, Mid-Valley Willamette Hospice, and Options Counseling Support Services of Oregon. Separate months have been set aside through out the year designating which charity is receiving the money such as Partnerships in Community Living, Sweet Spirit MCC Building Fund, and LifeLine AIDS project. The Imperial Sovereign Court of the Willamette Empire (ICWE) meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Southside Speakeasy.

Lavender Womyn is a lesbian social group, which originally started in Salem, Oregon, but has grown so much that we have now branched off into the Eugene Chapter of Lavender Womyn and Portland Chapter of Lavender Womyn. The group was "unofficially" started on June 1, 2003. We had nineteen womyn and thirteen children who came together for a barbecue. Since then, we've grown to over 300 womyn! Currently, our age group for the womyn ranges from about age 22 up to around age 70 and beyond.

Marionberry Salon meets monthly, usually on a Saturday at 6:30pm, at a member's home. Our mission: to read books which touch on the gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered experience. Our meetings are open to all regardless of sexual orientation, and newcomers are always welcome. People tend to come to the potluck discussions based on whether the book appeals to them and whether the date is free for them. For more information call Cary at 503-363-6036.

Morningside United Methodist Church

Morningside United Methodist Church is a reconciling congregation where everyone is welcome to participate in the full life of the congregation. Services are 8:30am and 11am each Sunday at 3674 12th Street SE, Salem. For more information call 503-364-5013.

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) of Salem meets every third Monday from September through May, 7:00 pm, at the First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, located at 700 Marion Street NE, in Salem.

Rainbow Youth of Salem meets every Thursday from 6pm until 8pm at their new shared location with Spirit of Life Church, located at 1380 Hines Street SE (just east of Hines and 13th Streets SE). Their Saturday Support Group is the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at First Congregational Church from 10am until 12 Noon. For more information please contact 503-409-0471.

Salem Area
Woman's Potluck Group

Salem Area Womans Potluck Group information available by emailing here

The Salem Gay Social Network is a gay men's group in the greater Salem, Oregon area whose purpose is meeting, recreating, socializing and networking.


We extend a special welcome to LGBT persons. "We are a congregation of people who wish to worship the Lord and are of the belief that all people are welcome at God's table.” The church holds Worship Services: Sunday at 11:00 am. Salem Spirit of Life Church has special events during the week. Pot Luck and Movie 3rd Friday at 6:00 PM. Located at 1380 Hines Street SE, Salem. Phone (503) 689-1436.

 St. Mark Lutheran Church


On October 30th, 2011 members of Saint Mark Lutheran Church voted overwhelmingly to adopt a welcoming statement and become a Reconciling in Christ congregation. The Reconciling in Christ (RIC) program, administered by Lutherans Concerned/North America, recognizes Lutheran congregations that welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender believers. StMarkSalem.org

The Triangle Community is open to gay men 21 years or older in the greater Salem-Keizer area. Joining is as easy as getting on our e-mail roster. To join, submit your full name, the e-mail address that you wish to have the Community's e-mail notices sent to, phone number, mailing address and your age. In case of couples, information is needed on each partner.

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation Of Salem is a "welcoming congregation," celebrating the presence and participation of all peoples, including gays, lesbians, bisexuals and heterosexuals in the life of our religious community. If you are looking for a rational, thoughtful, ethical, spiritual and free approach to religion, we invite you to visit our services. Our building is accessible to all. We offer hearing assist devices and ASL translators for the hearing-impaired. Sunday services 10:30 to 11:45am.

Our Community Calendar listing of special events is free for Salem area groups, organizations and businesses. Please email us the following information:

  • Name of Organization
  • Organization Website Address, for example, www.capitolforum.org
  • Name of Event, for example, Drag for Rights, Mona Lott Mae needs New Shoes, or Barack Obama for President
  • Type of Event, for example, fundraiser, or drag show
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